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    Is it better to have EEC or not?

    We are new to the Phenom, and not sure about Maintenance cost yet. However after looking at Embraer's offering it's going to cost 100k a year paid to them. So my Question is, would maintenance cost that much in a year for parts? I know it a screen goes out that costly, but I can't help to feel I would be ahead of the game in two or three years just putting that money up in an account for myself.

    thanks in advance.
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    How many hours to you plan to fly per year?

    I have EEC Standard and my plane is flying a lot of charter currently, so I am paying EEC $10-15k per month which is pretty high. Not sure if I am ahead or behind yet. When I just used the plane for P91 and flew 5-10 hrs/mo EEC was a no brainer, since the expenses were not that high.
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    When you say "no brainer" you mean to have it p91?

    We will fly around 200-250 hrs a year.

    Their monthly and hourly fee just makes it seem a High price for MX. I mean I know embraer isn't losing money on the deal thats for sure.
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    How old is your Phenom and will Embraer provide you a full claim history? Ours is now flown solely Pt 91, but did charter in the past averaging about 200hrs/yr total. First EEC contract renewal came up about 18 months ago. First 5 years was on enhanced and the renewal monthly rate, not to mention the increase in hourly, alone was significant enough that we dropped to standard. We’re talking an additional $65K/yr into EEC if we flew around the same amount of hours. The past EEC claim history on the aircraft even considering it’s getting older and will probably break more didn’t justify staying on enhanced. Projected labor on our 84 month inspections is only $14K and will still probably be less than $22K with any additional discrepancies. That sort of math is pretty easy and the money saved goes a long ways towards new paint, interior, etc when the time comes.
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    We didn’t. We flew 179.3 hours last year and the only AOG we had was the mass balance weights. I replaced batteries ($4800 if memory serves) and a tire ($700 labor plus the tire) and our inspection was about 20k. I think we’re way ahead financially.

    the biggest reason I DIDN’T stay with EEC. It took Embraer almost 90 days just to get me in the system when we bought it and enabled me to get the flyembraer app to work. I was struggling to get access to AFM, POH and all the other required items I needed just to fly the airplane. I figured if that was the kind of service I would get, why pay tons of money for it?

    We will be doing the NXi upgrade next month along with our inspection and in my mind, I’ve paid for it by not being enrolled on EEC. I’d welcome someone changing my mind with real numbers.

    On the other hand, a 135 ship, absolutely!
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    Question for those not on EEC. When you have to purchase a replacement part, say PRSOV, do you get a new unit for your money or does Embraer send you a used "inspected" or "overhauled" part. Perhaps they provide two prices new & used. When on EEC they send you the used parts which in my experience is a disaster. I've had multiple PRSOV failures with so called "inspected" parts; utter cluster F*! The last go round after 3 AOGs in a row, I went nuclear on Embraer and they finally shipped a new PRSOV. Ditto with GCUs.
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    Via eParts you can order either a new or refurbished part. The refurb part is usually less. Anyone with a eParts account can look at the parts prices.

    The point of EEC (from the manufacturers perspective) is to build up a rotable pool of refurbished parts since that should theoretically lower parts costs.
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    What year is your Phenom? I can tell you based on my experience over the last few years, more owners are electing to set those funds aside themselves and pay as they go. Personally, if I just finished up a big inspection like the 120mo, I would pay out of pocket myself. Of course none of us hold the crystal ball on unexpected maintenance, so you just need to be prepared.
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    its a 2009, 120 month just finished AUG 2020.
  10. Username Protected

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    The short answer is "YES".
    Banking your maintenance costs may work for you, but you eliminate the sale of your aircraft to a lot of prospective buyers.

    I was responsible for the Sales and much of the administration from EEC's inception to Dec 2019. The argument for EEC is impossible to the person who buys new aircraft from the MFR every 3 years. If you plan to keep it for 5 to 7 years from new, it's not about you, but about attracting a buyer. The guy stepping into your aircraft may not have the means to deal with budget spikes in his cost of ownership and will not consider purchase of your aircraft if not enrolled in EEC. During a buyer's market, making additional finance payments while waiting for a buyer to find your aircraft doesn't help you either. If owning through the 10 year inspection and the costs you'll see beyond that point, the parts programs (EEC Standard & Prime Parts) are for you and to help you sell it.

    Is it expensive? Undeniably, yes. Because it is a "guaranteed maintenance support program." This means, for a fixed price, EEC will cover the costs within the scope of the EEC contract. There are no efficiency bonus' or balances maintained. If your maintenance costs exceed what was accrued, there will be no charge at the end of the term. If your costs are lower than what was accrued, there will be no pay-out.

    Contact me if you have questions about Phenom maintenance costs or invoiced for something that you believe should have been covered by EEC.

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