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    Fellow Embraer Brother needs help


    I hope everyone is doing well.

    I am compelled from my heart to share a situation with one of our long time Phenom pilots and his wife. His name is Dave Coffman and Im sure most of you know him. For those that dont know him then you've missed an acquaintance that is one that has blessed me and has served the Phenom and Legacy world with service as an FAA Pilot Proficiency Examiner and check pilot in the Phenom 100 and 300 and has provided a world class service as a contract pilot, He currently is doing contract flying and check rides. He has worked with Tom Norton and has served our country for 23 years as an Air Force pilot and progressed to the elite group of Thunder(Username Protected)s.

    I have been praying for Dave and his wife ever since they were notified about Beth's diagnosis with cancer. The battle has come and gone and now back with a vengeance that has caused Beth and Dave to seek unconventional methods of treatments that are not covered by insurance. Please read this email that I received from Dave. He may be upset with me for sharing it to the group but Its important to help in any manner that I/we can to support them. This intro to the forum was placed on my heart with hopes that they can be helped.

    Dear friends:
    Writing to update you as most everyone on this email list has known about Beth's cancer diagnosis in early 2022 and you have faithfully asked how she is, sent cards, texts, brought meals and prayed for her. We are so grateful for you, it means so much to us to have your support.
    As she has walked through this journey, in addition to your prayers, many of you have asked what you can do to help. While I am very reluctant to present these requests to our friends, I feel for a couple of reasons that to reach out to you is the right thing at this point.

    In Phil 4:6, the Apostle Paul says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." And in Phil 4:19 he gives the promise of future grace , "my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus." In my human nature or flesh, I want to "handle it" and keep it to myself but the bible teaches that as followers of Jesus we are to "bear one another's burdens." (Gal 6:2)

    When Beth was diagnosed with Endometrial cancer we sought the Lord's wisdom (James 1:5) for the best avenue for her treatment. At that time, we were led to her Gynocology Oncology specialist Dr Jennings at Roper Hospital in Charleston, SC.

    Dr Jennings and Beth's Radiation Oncologist Dr Clay and their respective staff have been loving and caring while prescribing treatment within the conventional guidelines of cancer care. It's a system that is led by the pharmaceutical and insurance industry as far as the chemotherapy drugs and therapies and what is standard of care in order to be covered by insurance. Whether at Mayo, M.D. Anderson or other "specialty" hospitals, the standard of care is basically the same for her cancer type.

    However, over a year and a half after going through two surgeries, 6 rounds of chemotherapy (four months) as well as 5 rounds of internal radiation treatment (twice a week for a month and then when the cancer reappeared on a CAT/PET scan last spring (March '23) another 25 rounds of external radiation treatments over 5 weeks) directed by her doctors the cancer again appeared extensively in her lymph system at the end of August of this year.

    While the treatment plan directed by her Oncologists has been ineffective and we're very discouraged by the results, we're still trusting that Jesus is working through these setbacks for His glory.

    We don't know why or how, but we're walking through this trial (James 1:2-4) with joy to the best of our ability and only through the strength of the Holy Spirit because that is what He has called us to in this season of our lives while we're continuing to pray for Beth's healing.

    Since the treatment has been ineffective and Beth's cancer has spread, we have decided to seek treatment at a facility that is not bound by the conventional approach. We believe God has led us to Envita Medical in Scottsdale, AZ.

    The good news is that while the integrative treatment options might still use chemotherapy, immunotherapy and/or radiation they use it in a fractionated/precision approach, tailored to each individuals cancer markers whereas conventional treatment uses a full-dose, one-size-fits-all approach.

    The bad news is that since we're not within the conventional "standard of care" treatment options, there is no insurance-approved and covered treatment.

    For those who feel led to help, please consider praying about and assisting with these needs:

    1) A place to stay in N. Scottsdale, AZ while Beth undergoes treatment at Envita Medical Centers beginning about December 4th until March 15th. If you know of a furnished condo or a house that is pet-friendly in the North Scottsdale area that we could use or rent at a reasonable price for the 14 weeks that Beth will undergo treatment, it would bless us immensely.

    2) Over the last 22 months our kids and their spouses have felt helpless as they have watched Beth go through treatment after treatment with no improvement. They have asked if we would allow them to help us by setting up and managing a "give-send-go" page for anyone wanting to help and we have now given them our blessing to do so.

    If you'd like to contribute toward expenses related to medical treatments at the Envita Medical Center as well as scans, labs and living expenses, they are estimated to be $15,000 a week for the initial 14-week plan. The link to the fundraising campaign is:

    Beth will be getting 3-5 hours of medicine Monday through Friday via "perma-cath" port that will be surgically implanted in her chest as the veins in our bodies are not strong enough for the daily treatments that she'll receive.

    I plan to work out of Phoenix and Charleston as the Lord provides and Beth has asked friends to come and help her with her needs and with our dog Clemens while I am away.

    3) Your prayers. In addition to the logistical and financial burden, the spiritual battle that takes place daily is something that neither of us thought about when we heard or knew of someone going through cancer treatment. Please pray for the Lord to give us the strength mentally and physically as well as work opportunities for me when we're in Scottsdale.

    The constant day-to-day struggle of "when is my next appointment", the treatment side-effects on Beth, not being able to live life as you knew it or make plans as well as clinging to life itself are the daily mental and spiritual battles. Please continue to pray. "The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much." (James 5:16)

    We know God still performs miracles today just as he did throughout the Bible and we're praying He would do the same for Beth and continue to ask you to pray the same. Even through all the ups and downs with her treatment for the past 22 months, we know He is still in control and can heal her and we're praying that through her healing that God would be glorified.

    May God bless each of you, thank you all for your prayers.

    Dave and Beth
    Here is Daves contact info: [email protected], 904.631.0153

    This is a way to help support Dave and Beth with financial blessings:

    I sincerely hope that the forum administrators will allow this to be published. It needs to be published with the upmost importance above all other subjects but I am a rookie at the methods of doing that.

    Dave and Beth need a place to stay in Scottsdale for her treatments. Dave said he is willing to fly to procure the funds needed but he really needs to stay with his wife and support her on a daily basis. Thanks so much for reading the post. If you would like to talk to me about it, please feel free to call

    (Username Protected)
    Global Aircraft Consulting

  2. Username Protected

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    I will certainly be praying for them. You are a great friend for sharing this and asking others to pray for restored health. God and God alone can heal the human body and doctors would be helpless without Him.

    (Username Protected)

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