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    Question Uneven MLG tire wear?

    Has anyone seen (and more importantly, fixed) issues with uneven MLG tire wear on a single side?
    On my most recent tire change (which now has ~98 cycles), the right tire is showing much more inboard wear. The left tire is wearing evenly (both grooves look like the outside groove on the uneven tire).
    This was my first set of new tires since my 10 year gear overhaul, so I'm not sure if that's when the problem was introduced (never saw it before).
    Service Center says this is "not uncommon" but they don't have any fixes as long as the MLG locking actuator is within spec (which it appears to be from a measurement while installed).
    At this rate I'm going to go through tires twice as fast as normal if it keeps up. Also, FWIW, I'm very consistent about keeping pressures topped off every ~4-6 flights.

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  2. Username Protected
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    I see that too. I do about 180 cycles a year. I’ve recently starting servicing to the upper end of the tire pressure range of 184 to see if it works. I have new rubber on and let’s see how it goes.
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    I have a new Phenom 100EV, replaced tyres after 300h and the same. Service center told me it is usual. It is not possible to adjust geometry with phenoms. I would recommend to check pressure of tyres. We our other phenoms in fleet it's the same.
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    My right inboard tends to wear a noticeably faster than my left. Part of that is intentional alignment to help with ground stability. Look at any CJ and see how one inboard looks nearly bald while the other doesn't. I've had as few as 120 cycles on a tire (summer season has a lot of short field ops) and upwards of 180+ between changes.

    Things that don't help: Heavy braking on grooved runways (some concrete grooves would slice up your feet if you walked barefoot). Consistent c(Username Protected)wind technique trying to float/feel your way to smooth landings. LONG taxis. Of course under-pressure, which is not you. Out of round tires (I've had 3 now shipped from Embraer as build-ups). Being WAY over ref on landings.
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    I also never experienced this until after the 10-year mandatory landing gear replacement. I complained about it to Embraer (who did the replacement) and also had West Star (Grand Junction) check the camber/caster settings (all within spec) and neither had any suggestions. This is quite irritating since uneven tire wear --> more frequent tire replacement. In the category of miserly likes company, at least I am not alone in dealing with this. I wish Embraer would work harder to supply a solution . . .
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    Ask Chris Grinnell Aerostar Aviation. He is the most knowledgeable person that there is for a fix to your problem. (469) 917-9077.
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    What airports/runways do you typically use? When I base at JPX in the summer my tires get eaten up quickly. Short runway, grooved and a ramp that needs resurfacing are a bad combo.
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    We came out of 10 year in August, might have the same number of landings as you. Before the overhaul, we would always wear on the inside of the tires first, and could never fix it. After the overhaul we now have normal, even wear. It does appear the gear can go on slightly different than it came off.
  9. Username Protected
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    Quote Originally Posted by (Username Protected) (Username Protected) View Post
    We came out of 10 year in August, might have the same number of landings as you. Before the overhaul, we would always wear on the inside of the tires first, and could never fix it. After the overhaul we now have normal, even wear. It does appear the gear can go on slightly different than it came off.
    That is interesting... certainly seems that although there is supposedly no "adjustment" possible that things move around enough after overhaul to cause a difference. FWIW, while looking through my paperwork I noticed that the SC "swapped" the L and R locking actuators when re-installed after they were overhauled. The parts are identical so I suppose it shouldn't matter but I did find that interesting.

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