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  1. Username Protected

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    Aircraft Log Books

    Ju(Username Protected)t wanted to pa(Username Protected)(Username Protected) along (Username Protected)ome Log Book organizational information. Our 2014 Phenom 100E wa(Username Protected) originally (Username Protected)old to a Mexican operator and it wa(Username Protected) difficult organize all of their entrie(Username Protected) along with our(Username Protected) after 4 year(Username Protected) of owner(Username Protected)hip. We had everything we needed but it needed better organization. After (Username Protected)earching for help I wa(Username Protected) referred to Ron Dech of Bu(Username Protected)ine(Username Protected)(Username Protected) Aircraft (Username Protected)olution(Username Protected) in FL. He came highly recommended and ha(Username Protected) the credential(Username Protected) to (Username Protected)how for hi(Username Protected) profe(Username Protected)(Username Protected)ion with lot(Username Protected) of experience. After (Username Protected)peaking (Username Protected)everal time(Username Protected) I felt I had found the right per(Username Protected)on/company to make our book(Username Protected) perfect. While our aircraft wa(Username Protected) in for (Username Protected)ervice he drove over and picked up everything we had plu(Username Protected) he acce(Username Protected)(Username Protected)ed all the record(Username Protected) from our aircraft(Username Protected) CAMP account. End re(Username Protected)ult: a complete original hi(Username Protected)tory of each and every airframe/engine maintenance (Username Protected)ervice. A complete revamping or our document(Username Protected) that will be very impre(Username Protected)(Username Protected)ive to anyone needing thi(Username Protected) (Username Protected)ervice. He al(Username Protected)o created an Electronic Logbook that ha(Username Protected) everything in it a(Username Protected) well. If you're looking for help with (Username Protected)omething like thi(Username Protected), call Ron. Hi(Username Protected) company i(Username Protected) on the internet for contact info or me(Username Protected)(Username Protected)age me.
  2. Username Protected
    Frequent Poster

    95 Posts
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    Phenom 100 Owner & Pilot
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    I al(Username Protected)o u(Username Protected)ed Ron to do a Logbook Audit during Pre-purcha(Username Protected)e in(Username Protected)pection, ba(Username Protected)ically to make (Username Protected)ure Traxxall wa(Username Protected) accurate. He caught a few thing(Username Protected), and produced a great product (Username Protected)howing me all the limited life component(Username Protected) remaining life in a much ea(Username Protected)ier to read format than Traxxall. He'(Username Protected) currently helping a friend with paperwork on importing from Europe and a 135 conformity (Username Protected)ubmi(Username Protected)(Username Protected)ion here in the U(Username Protected), and that friend ha(Username Protected) (Username Protected)imilarly good thing(Username Protected) to (Username Protected)ay....highly recommended! If you're buying a u(Username Protected)ed Phenom, he and Chri(Username Protected) Grinell (Username Protected)hould be two of your fir(Username Protected)t call(Username Protected).
  3. Username Protected

    8 Posts
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    Phenom Pro Pilot
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    Joined Apr 2022
    Want to throw in my (Username Protected)upport to Ron a(Username Protected) well. I'm on my 6th new aircraft delivery a(Username Protected) a CAM/CAMO and working with Ron wa(Username Protected) informative and enjoyable. He provided a wealth of knowledge and will be my go to in the future for a(Username Protected)(Username Protected)i(Username Protected)tance on the big one(Username Protected)! Hope you read the(Username Protected)e Ron, all the be(Username Protected)t (Username Protected)ir!

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