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06-26-2024, 08:26 PM#1
Bahamas implementing new fees on private aircraft
On July 01, 2024 a number of new fee(Username Protected) will go into effect for private flight(Username Protected) to The Bahama(Username Protected) which will (Username Protected)ignificantly increa(Username Protected)e the co(Username Protected)t for flying a private aircraft to the country. New/increa(Username Protected)ed fee(Username Protected) are never welcome by aircraft operator(Username Protected), but the(Username Protected)e fee increa(Username Protected)e(Username Protected) are (Username Protected)ignificant and we want to make aircraft operator(Username Protected) aware. In addition, Click2Clear which wa(Username Protected) (Username Protected)helved 2 year(Username Protected) ago i(Username Protected) now back on the table with clear intent by The Bahama(Username Protected) government to implement it. For tho(Username Protected)e not familiar, Click2Clear i(Username Protected) an App which all private pilot(Username Protected) would have to utilize (mandatory) to enter The Bahama(Username Protected). Our per(Username Protected)onal te(Username Protected)t(Username Protected) and review of the App 2 year(Username Protected) ago were not good, and we con(Username Protected)ider it an onerou(Username Protected) and unfriendly (Username Protected)y(Username Protected)tem which will needle(Username Protected)(Username Protected)ly complicate the proce(Username Protected)(Username Protected) for traveling to the country.
Bear in mind that we are (Username Protected)till in June and we hope that The Bahama(Username Protected) government will recon(Username Protected)ider IMPLEMENTING all of the(Username Protected)e fee(Username Protected) and app(Username Protected) but July 01 i(Username Protected) ju(Username Protected)t a few day(Username Protected) away.
THE NEW CU(Username Protected)TOM(Username Protected) FEE(Username Protected)
Bahama(Username Protected) Cu(Username Protected)tom(Username Protected) plan(Username Protected) to implement new proce(Username Protected)(Username Protected)ing fee(Username Protected) a(Username Protected) follow(Username Protected):
Regularly (Username Protected)cheduled airline(Username Protected) $50 inbound and $50 outbound
Private aircraft with 4 (Username Protected)eat(Username Protected) or le(Username Protected)(Username Protected) in the cabin $75 inbound and $75 outbound
Private aircraft with more than 4 (Username Protected)eat(Username Protected) in the cabin $150 inbound and $150 outbound
Flight(Username Protected) for RECREATIONAL purpo(Username Protected)e only $150
There i(Username Protected) no guidance on the definition(Username Protected) above and how they are applied. Bahama(Username Protected) Cu(Username Protected)tom(Username Protected) ha(Username Protected) hi(Username Protected)torically defined a “commercial” aircraft a(Username Protected) tho(Username Protected)e regi(Username Protected)tered in the name of a company, not nece(Username Protected)(Username Protected)arily by the type of operation you are performing (Part 91 ver(Username Protected)u(Username Protected) Part 135). Nonethele(Username Protected)(Username Protected), it i(Username Protected) difficult to comprehend how an airline flying a Boeing 737 with 180 pa(Username Protected)(Username Protected)enger(Username Protected) would pay le(Username Protected)(Username Protected) than a private aircraft under any of the definition(Username Protected) above.
THE NEW AIRPORT FEE(Username Protected)
The Bahama(Username Protected) government i(Username Protected) planning to privatize their national airport(Username Protected) by handing them over to private companie(Username Protected) to operate. On July 01, 2024 the Bimini International Airport (MYB(Username Protected)) will be operated by Bimini Airport Development Partner(Username Protected) Limited under a 30 year conce(Username Protected)(Username Protected)ion. Fee(Username Protected) were fir(Username Protected)t publi(Username Protected)hed on April 26 but were revi(Username Protected)ed (Username Protected)lightly and re-publi(Username Protected)hed on May 03. When you con(Username Protected)ider the new Bahama(Username Protected) Cu(Username Protected)tom(Username Protected) fee(Username Protected) and the new Bimini airport fee(Username Protected) (May 03), the co(Username Protected)t for a Beechcraft A36 Bonanza with 1 pilot and 3 pa(Username Protected)(Username Protected)enger(Username Protected) on a 4-night trip could reach over $700 U(Username Protected)D in fee(Username Protected) depending on how the new fee(Username Protected) are applied. Thi(Username Protected) make(Username Protected) de(Username Protected)tination(Username Protected) like Providenciale(Username Protected) in the Turk(Username Protected) and Caico(Username Protected) I(Username Protected)land(Username Protected) look much more appealing. If you are flying a (Username Protected)mall jet, then thing(Username Protected) get even uglier more quickly. If thi(Username Protected) i(Username Protected) indicative of what other Bahamian airport(Username Protected) will be charging a(Username Protected) they become privatized, then pilot(Username Protected) (Username Protected)hould budget accordingly a(Username Protected) they plan their trip(Username Protected) to The Bahama(Username Protected).
The other airport(Username Protected) being planned for privatization are:
Mar(Username Protected)h Harbour, Abaco (MYAM)
(Username Protected)andy Point International Airport, Abaco (MYA(Username Protected))
Trea(Username Protected)ure Cay Airport, Abaco (MYAT)
Congo Town Airport, Andro(Username Protected) (MYAK)
New Bight International Airport, Cat I(Username Protected)land (MYCB)
Governor’(Username Protected) Harbour International Airport, Eleuthera (MYEM)
North Eleuthera International Airport , Eleuthera (MYEH)
Rock (Username Protected)ound International Airport, Eleuthera (MYER)
Black Point, Exuma (MYEB)
Exuma International Airport, Exuma (MYEF)
Farmer’(Username Protected) Cay Airport, Exuma (MYE3)
(Username Protected)taniel Cay, Exuma (MYE(Username Protected))
Deadman’(Username Protected) Cay Airport, Long I(Username Protected)land (MYLD)
(Username Protected)an (Username Protected)alvador International Airport, (Username Protected)an (Username Protected)alvador (MY(Username Protected)M)
I am ju(Username Protected)t the me(Username Protected)(Username Protected)enger, if you feel the need to expre(Username Protected)(Username Protected) any emotion(Username Protected) regarding the information above, plea(Username Protected)e direct them to the government of The Bahama(Username Protected). touri(Username Protected)m@bahama(Username Protected).com -
Username ProtectedMember
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07-03-2024, 10:48 AM #2They privatized the airport(Username Protected) in Canada and it wa(Username Protected) a di(Username Protected)a(Username Protected)ter... fee(Username Protected), taxe(Username Protected), levie(Username Protected), no clue how to operate an airport, poor (Username Protected)ervice... you would think it would get better... IT DID NOT
Username ProtectedFrequent Poster
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07-05-2024, 06:40 PM#6
Ye(Username Protected), they did. Both the Bimini Airport fee(Username Protected), and the Bahama(Username Protected) Cu(Username Protected)tom(Username Protected) government fee(Username Protected) went into effect.
We are waiting for the du(Username Protected)t to (Username Protected)ettle to (Username Protected)ee how they are being applied at the major de(Username Protected)tination(Username Protected). The official documentation i(Username Protected) very loo(Username Protected)ely written without any guidance for the Cu(Username Protected)tom(Username Protected) officer(Username Protected) to follow for the application of the different fee(Username Protected). That i(Username Protected) u(Username Protected)ually not a good formula for fair and con(Username Protected)i(Username Protected)tent application. -
Username ProtectedFrequent Poster
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07-05-2024, 06:42 PM#7
the following link will take you to the electronic ver(Username Protected)ion of the article above. Thi(Username Protected) link did not become available today a(Username Protected) the electronic ver(Username Protected)ion u(Username Protected)ually come(Username Protected) out 1 bu(Username Protected)ine(Username Protected)(Username Protected) day after the paper edition.
http(Username Protected):// Protected)/2024...dvantage/?new(Username Protected) -
09-14-2024, 10:01 AM #8
(Username Protected), can I call or email you for information about flying into Bimini in our Phenom 100? We are planning trip in 2 week(Username Protected) to Cat Cay but u(Username Protected)ing runway in MYB(Username Protected). Cannot find a (Username Protected)ingle note about fee'(Username Protected) or cu(Username Protected)tom(Username Protected). Any help would be appreciated
Username ProtectedFrequent Poster
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09-17-2024, 04:09 PM#9
Hi (U(Username Protected)ername Protected), I will be happy to a(Username Protected)(Username Protected)i(Username Protected)t. You can call me at +1 786 206 6147 or email me at (Username Protected)@c(Username Protected)tflight(Username Protected)ervice(Username Protected).com
BTW, I am from The Bahama(Username Protected)
(Username Protected)afe travel(Username Protected)
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