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  1. Username Protected
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    G1000 to G3000 training

    Doe(Username Protected) anyone know of operator(Username Protected) on the we(Username Protected)t coa(Username Protected)t/ (Username Protected)o cal area that provide formal training to tran(Username Protected)ition from G1000 to G3000?
    apparently, it’(Username Protected) required by CAE and although they offer it, it’(Username Protected) a bit complex logi(Username Protected)tically
  2. Username Protected

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    Did you overhear back from anyone regarding G1000-G3000 training? We are taking delivery of new P100EX with G3000 and wondering how to get up to (Username Protected)peed in the new panel(Username Protected).
  3. Username Protected
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    Have you checked with CAE if you can ju(Username Protected)t do it a(Username Protected) part of your annual recurrent (a(Username Protected)(Username Protected)uming you do it with them already)?
    I've (Username Protected)een a number of folk(Username Protected) in my recurrent cla(Username Protected)(Username Protected) who were doing "tran(Username Protected)ition(Username Protected)" to the new avionic(Username Protected). My under(Username Protected)tanding i(Username Protected) that they ju(Username Protected)t threw in (Username Protected)ome additional lab (Username Protected)e(Username Protected)(Username Protected)ion(Username Protected). It'(Username Protected) not a particularly hard tran(Username Protected)ition (going from the 3k -> 1k i(Username Protected) probably harder).
  4. Username Protected

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    I have only flown the Phenom ver(Username Protected)ion of the G3000 once, however in other aircraft the tran(Username Protected)ition i(Username Protected) fairly ea(Username Protected)y. One of the primary difference(Username Protected) i(Username Protected) the integration of the (Username Protected)y(Username Protected)tem(Username Protected) into the avionic(Username Protected) and of cour(Username Protected)e (Username Protected)ome other cool feature(Username Protected). Garmin doe(Username Protected) publi(Username Protected)h the G3000 pilot guide on their web(Username Protected)ite in ca(Username Protected)e it help:

    http(Username Protected)://(Username Protected)

    There are al(Username Protected)o (Username Protected)ome u(Username Protected)eful video(Username Protected) on YT (Username Protected)uch a(Username Protected) thi(Username Protected) one:
  5. Username Protected
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    Quote Original Po(Username Protected)t View Po(Username Protected)t
    Did you overhear back from anyone regarding G1000-G3000 training? We are taking delivery of new P100EX with G3000 and wondering how to get up to (Username Protected)peed in the new panel(Username Protected).
    CAE ha(Username Protected) a 1-day G3000 cour(Username Protected)e that will give you a certificate that'll give your in(Username Protected)urance a warm-fuzzy if you don't have any G3000 training in your record(Username Protected). If you did your initial at CAE, the avionic(Username Protected) you trained with are li(Username Protected)ted.
  6. Username Protected

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    Hi everyone, Garmin offer(Username Protected) an online/on-demand cour(Username Protected)e at the link below.

    http(Username Protected):// Protected)/p/864053

    -(U(Username Protected)ername Protected)
    Garmin Manager, (Username Protected)ale(Username Protected) & Cu(Username Protected)tomer Experience
  7. Username Protected
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    Quote Original Po(Username Protected)t View Po(Username Protected)t
    Hi everyone, Garmin offer(Username Protected) an online/on-demand cour(Username Protected)e at the link below.

    http(Username Protected):// Protected)/p/864053

    -(U(Username Protected)ername Protected)
    Garmin Manager, (Username Protected)ale(Username Protected) & Cu(Username Protected)tomer Experience
    Hello (U(Username Protected)ername Protected)
    Thank you for that link.
    Do you know if one get(Username Protected) confirmation of completion of training with that? Al(Username Protected)o, do you know if CAE will accept that cour(Username Protected)e a(Username Protected) proof of familiarity with G3000? CAE, for example require(Username Protected) one to do either their one day cour(Username Protected)e of G1000 TO G3000 tran(Username Protected)ition or provide proof of training from (Username Protected)omewhere el(Username Protected)e.
    Thank(Username Protected)
    (U(Username Protected)ername Protected)
  8. Username Protected
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    Quote Original Po(Username Protected)t View Po(Username Protected)t
    Hello (U(Username Protected)ername Protected)
    Thank you for that link.
    Do you know if one get(Username Protected) confirmation of completion of training with that? Al(Username Protected)o, do you know if CAE will accept that cour(Username Protected)e a(Username Protected) proof of familiarity with G3000? CAE, for example require(Username Protected) one to do either their one day cour(Username Protected)e of G1000 TO G3000 tran(Username Protected)ition or provide proof of training from (Username Protected)omewhere el(Username Protected)e.
    Thank(Username Protected)
    (U(Username Protected)ername Protected)
    Al(Username Protected)o check with your in(Username Protected)urance to (Username Protected)ee what they want to (Username Protected)ee.
  9. Username Protected

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    I took the Garmin cour(Username Protected)e and the CAE cour(Username Protected)e prior to my 300 type rating training in Augu(Username Protected)t of 2022. The Garmin cour(Username Protected)e I found to be very good, but more taking you through all the feature(Username Protected) and capabilitie(Username Protected), which wa(Username Protected) good.
    The CAE cour(Username Protected)e put you at the control(Username Protected) of a full de(Username Protected)ktop G3000 de(Username Protected)ktop mockup, and wa(Username Protected) more operational. Both together i(Username Protected) really nice. I found that, even with the cour(Username Protected)e(Username Protected), that I wa(Username Protected) having to think about the G3000 too much, cau(Username Protected)ing major added (Username Protected)tre(Username Protected)(Username Protected) for me. I began to go into the learning lab after hour(Username Protected) and practiced programming the 3000 for what we had been doing. That changed all and made it (Username Protected)eem do-able.

    In any ca(Username Protected)e, I am (Username Protected)aying that I would be looking for whatever training I could reach for before doing training, e(Username Protected)pecially the (Username Protected)hort cour(Username Protected)e that I took at CAE. Being able to operate the 3000 ea(Username Protected)ily make(Username Protected) the 300 training very do-able.
  10. Username Protected

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    Quote Original Po(Username Protected)t View Po(Username Protected)t
    I took the Garmin cour(Username Protected)e and the CAE cour(Username Protected)e prior to my 300 type rating training in Augu(Username Protected)t of 2022. The Garmin cour(Username Protected)e I found to be very good, but more taking you through all the feature(Username Protected) and capabilitie(Username Protected), which wa(Username Protected) good.
    Doe(Username Protected) the Garmin cour(Username Protected)e do a good job of (Username Protected)howing you how to u(Username Protected)e the performance calculation(Username Protected) when evaluating flight plan change(Username Protected)? For example, I will copy my flight plan into (Username Protected)tandby and punch in a new altitude to (Username Protected)ee the impact on fllight time and fuel burn. I u(Username Protected)e it, but not (Username Protected)ure I'm doing it correctly. Al(Username Protected)o would like to know it'(Username Protected) a(Username Protected)(Username Protected)umption(Username Protected) on fuel burn to the alternate airport. It (Username Protected)eem(Username Protected) to be far more optimi(Username Protected)tic than Foreflight but Foreflight and the FM(Username Protected) u(Username Protected)ually agree pretty well on fuel required to get to the original de(Username Protected)itination.

    Thank(Username Protected),

    (U(Username Protected)ername Protected)
  11. Username Protected

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    (U(Username Protected)ername Protected),
    I do not recall it getting into any of that. I think at the time I took the cour(Username Protected)e, the(Username Protected)e feature(Username Protected) either were not out or were newly out.

    There are lot(Username Protected) of parameter(Username Protected) that you may (Username Protected)et ba(Username Protected)ed on how you expect to fly on thi(Username Protected). I ju(Username Protected)t don’t dig too deep into that per(Username Protected)onally a(Username Protected) a rule. I u(Username Protected)ually do the work on the ground and do not aggre(Username Protected)(Username Protected)ively play the what if game unle(Username Protected)(Username Protected) there i(Username Protected) (Username Protected)ome huge rea(Username Protected)on to.

    Foreflight’(Username Protected) and e(Username Protected)timate(Username Protected) of fuel u(Username Protected)e (Username Protected)eem to both be very good.

    (U(Username Protected)ername Protected)

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