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  1. Username Protected

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    Praetor 500 and ForeFlight runway analysis?

    Is there by any chance anyone out there flying a Praetor 500 and using ForeFlight runway analysis for takeoff / landing distance planning? If so, I'd love to touch base!
  2. Username Protected

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    I'm with FF and responsible for our runway analysis and other performance stuff. Happy to answer any questions you might have.
  3. Username Protected

    47 Posts
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    Awesome, great to make your intro (Username Protected).

    I am a long time power user of FF and runway planning, having moved over from APG in my Phenom some years ago as soon as it came out and was ready. Now using for my Praetor 500. The essence of my question that led to the post is that I have been finding some quite large discrepancies in the takeoff distance calculations between the performance data in the AOM, ForeFlight runway performance, and the Collins FMS TOLD data in the airplane.

    The biggest differences are between the book performance data and the Collins - as far as I can tell with the same weight, other configuration, and runway conditions. So I particularly want to figure out why the Collins TOLD data isn't seeming to match the AOM data - sometimes by as much as 10% with the Collins saying more runway required than the book. But I also find that that FF takeoff data is somewhere in the middle - closer to the Embraer book, but not the same. I'm trying to work through this, and any insights you have (Username Protected) would be great.

    While I have you, let me also continue to make a plea for operational landing distance support for the Preators in FF. Support team has been telling me that is coming "next month" ever since Embraer published the data in the Spring, but it's not here yet. It would be very useful to have that tool in the cockpit with ForeFight!

    (Username Protected), LMK if you'd like to take this disucssion off line from the Phenom group. I can contact you directly or through FF support team. Thanks for jumping in here!

  4. Username Protected

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    I can't speak for Collins, but I can dig into AOM versus FF and towards OLD.

    Let's indeed take this offline. If you can send an email to [email protected], name drop me, I will then email you to that address.

    (Username Protected)
  5. Username Protected
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    (Username Protected)-

    On the question of AOM vs FMS- are the runways with the 10% difference zero slope, and/ or, are you applying the slope correction to the AOM data? Even a seemingly small slope can make a difference.

    Do you have a sample you could share where there is a large split between AOM, FF, and FMS? I don't have Praetor numbers, but I do have about a dozen other airplanes in APG and happy to look a the runway specifics.

    Performance is one of my favorites!

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