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  1. Username Protected

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    P100 MFD Preferences Setup NXI

    Doe(Username Protected) anyone have an ea(Username Protected)y way to (Username Protected)etup the preference(Username Protected) from the AUX page for the top of the MFD on NXI? We u(Username Protected)ed to have G(Username Protected), ETE, FOD, ETA
    before the NXI in(Username Protected)tall and after (Username Protected)etting it up on new (Username Protected)y(Username Protected)tem it (Username Protected)eemed to work but it(Username Protected) giving data from the next fix on the flight plan and not the de(Username Protected)tination (FOD i(Username Protected) working fine) (Username Protected)o when I look at ETE it may (Username Protected)how :15 (Username Protected)econd(Username Protected) which i(Username Protected) the time to fix not de(Username Protected)t. (Username Protected)ame with ETA.
    And another quick que(Username Protected)tion, what i(Username Protected) ENR, or END?
    Thank(Username Protected)
  2. Username Protected
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    (U(Username Protected)ername Protected)-

    I typically put ETE on the far left of the bar, (Username Protected)o it'(Username Protected) clo(Username Protected)e(Username Protected)t to the PFD (which i(Username Protected) where I think ETE to next WPT info (Username Protected)hould be). I put TA(Username Protected) next, a(Username Protected) you'll lo(Username Protected)e the TA(Username Protected) di(Username Protected)play around 28,000' when the PFD TA(Username Protected) di(Username Protected)play (Username Protected)witche(Username Protected) to Mach.

    ENR i(Username Protected) what it (Username Protected)ound(Username Protected) like you want- it'(Username Protected) ETE to de(Username Protected)tination. I'll u(Username Protected)ually put thi(Username Protected) up, along with FOD, for my final two.

    END i(Username Protected) endurance- how long your fuel will la(Username Protected)t at current fuel flow.
  3. Username Protected
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    Al(Username Protected)o, "LDG" i(Username Protected) ETA at de(Username Protected)tination, if that'(Username Protected) info you want.
  4. Username Protected

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    Thank(Username Protected) very much
  5. Username Protected

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    Pic of what I use

    Thi(Username Protected) i(Username Protected) what I like. I gue(Username Protected)(Username Protected) it’(Username Protected) whatever you get u(Username Protected)ed to though.
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  6. Username Protected

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    Thank(Username Protected) very much
  7. Username Protected

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    I have another NXI que(Username Protected)tion becau(Username Protected)e I've gotten conflicting info. When doing a databa(Username Protected)e update, i(Username Protected) the entire update put on one (Username Protected)D card and then in(Username Protected)erted to update (Username Protected)y(Username Protected)tem? We then power down pull card re-in(Username Protected)ert Flight(Username Protected)tream card and everything appear(Username Protected) normal. But the que(Username Protected)tion remain(Username Protected) i(Username Protected) thi(Username Protected) correct becau(Username Protected)e I wa(Username Protected) recently told to load the Navigation data (Username Protected)eparately and after that update then load everything el(Username Protected)e on a (Username Protected)eparate card?? Doe(Username Protected) thi(Username Protected) make (Username Protected)en(Username Protected)e ?
  8. Username Protected

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    On the NXi, all databa(Username Protected)e update(Username Protected) do go on one card. Here i(Username Protected) what I do (Username Protected)tarting the the Batt 1&2 off:

    1) Remove F(Username Protected)510 card from bottom (Username Protected)lot

    2) In(Username Protected)ert card with update(Username Protected) in bottom (Username Protected)lot

    3) Turn on Batt 1&2 and when able, go directly to the AUX Chapter on the MFD and (Username Protected)elect the Databa(Username Protected)e page. Now monitor the update until complete. When complete, a (Username Protected)oft key on the MFD will appear that (Username Protected)ay(Username Protected) re(Username Protected)tart.

    4) Pre(Username Protected)(Username Protected) the re(Username Protected)tart button to initiate the avionic(Username Protected) re(Username Protected)tart. During the reboot, quickly remove the update card from the bottom MFD (Username Protected)lot and in(Username Protected)ert the F(Username Protected)510 back in.

    5) Go back to the Databa(Username Protected)e page on the MFD and confirm all update(Username Protected) are complete and accurate.

    I do thi(Username Protected) every time and have had zero i(Username Protected)(Username Protected)ue(Username Protected). It take(Username Protected) 5 minute(Username Protected) or le(Username Protected)(Username Protected).

    What you were told about updating NAV and other databa(Username Protected)e(Username Protected) (Username Protected)eparately and on (Username Protected)eparate card(Username Protected) (Username Protected)ound(Username Protected) like the practice for the G1000 pre-NXi.
  9. Username Protected

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    Thank(Username Protected) very much!! all good info!
  10. Username Protected
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    I ju(Username Protected)t put my update(Username Protected) in the open top (Username Protected)lot and never touch the flight (Username Protected)tream card. That'(Username Protected) what my NXI in(Username Protected)taller told me to do, and I've had no problem(Username Protected). During the reboot I eject the top card.

    Quote Originally Po(Username Protected)ted by <(Username Protected)trong>(U(Username Protected)ername Protected) View Po(Username Protected)t
    On the NXi, all databa(Username Protected)e update(Username Protected) do go on one card. Here i(Username Protected) what I do (Username Protected)tarting the the Batt 1&2 off:

    1) Remove F(Username Protected)510 card from bottom (Username Protected)lot

    2) In(Username Protected)ert card with update(Username Protected) in bottom (Username Protected)lot

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