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  1. Username Protected
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    Database update

    New to uploading the databases. The aircraft is a 100 without NXI
    Please bear with me, if questions are too basic, although I have read through the appendix section of the Garmin Flight Deck100 manual.
    The Nav database update works fine with the SD card. However, after uploading to PFD1, the data also seems to load on the right PFD by itself.
    The Basemap database, Terrain database, the Safe Taxi database, and the Obstacle database….are all these to be uploaded to the Nav database card? Or are they all part of ‘Charts’ database that goes into the bottom card?
  2. Username Protected

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    Hi (Username Protected)-
    The Obstacle, Safe Taxi and Charts are all loaded to the bottom card, the Terrain and Basemap as well. The NAV data is loaded to the top slot. I've always kept the NAV data separate (separate card) from the other databases.
  3. Username Protected
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    Quote Originally Posted by (Username Protected) View Post
    Hi (Username Protected)-
    The Obstacle, Safe Taxi and Charts are all loaded to the bottom card, the Terrain and Basemap as well. The NAV data is loaded to the top slot. I've always kept the NAV data separate (separate card) from the other databases.
    Thank you, (Username Protected)!
    Do we have to load the charts etc on bottom cards indiividually and then put them back in the bottom slots? I would think that probably is the only way you can load each screen.
    If that’s correct, it’s better to keep 3 spare SD cards around, load each and then go to the plane and exchange them out until next cycle? Is that how you and others do it, perhaps?
  4. Username Protected
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    (Username Protected),

    The cards are specific to the aircraft so a spare set doesn't work unless you've purchased them through Embraer. Your jet will not recognize a card you've bought off-the-shelf at Best Buy or Office Depot. The database loading procedures are listed in AMM Pt II Section 34-61-00. We normally pull, load, and replace each card individually when it's time for an update. Like (Username Protected) mentioned, all databases and the ECL with the exception of the nav data are loaded on the bottom cards. I keep the card for nav data in my laptop case and it's in the top slot of each display only long enough for the update. You can induce some weird avionics failures and anomalies if you leave the card in the top slot under normal operations.

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