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  1. Username Protected
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    Automatic 3D Volumetric Scanning Radar coming to G3000 in 3305.07

    The Airplane Changes Flight Operations Guide for G3000 version 3305.07 was just relased on TechPubs, and it reveals that 300E planes with the 2nd gen G3000 will soon be able to use Automatic 3D Volumetric Scanning with the onboard radar.

    This sounds similar to what Garmin also refers to as StormOptix.

    The Automode performs automatic volumetric scanning of intensity data. It automates the tasks of tilt and gain adjustment performing and processing multi scans before showing horizontal weather information. It also allows the pilot to enable the following features:

    - Predictive Hail: the radar capability to predict hail and present it visually on weather display;
    - Predictive Lightning: the radar capability to predict lightning and present it visually on weather display.

    The enablement of Automode also enables the Ground Clutter Suppression and Turbulence Detection (GCS/TD) functions.
    New 300E planes ship with GWX-75, which is the same radar available for NXi retrofits. However, volumetric scanning is not yet supported on NXi.
  2. Username Protected

    32 Posts
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    Do you know which s/n is the changeover to the new radar?
  3. Username Protected

    27 Posts
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    Phenom 300 Owner & Non-Pilot
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    Joined May 2021
    Thanks for sharing (Username Protected).

    You mentioned it below, but just to clarify; this new Radar Option includes Ground Clutter Suppression and Turbulence Detection.. which used to be additionally separate cost options on the previous radar package.

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