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    EEC Update on Phenom 100 and Phenom 300 Batteries Coverage Support

    I received an email from the new head of EEC, Paulo McCluskey.

    Phenom 100 and Phenom 300 Batteries Coverage Support

    We have listened closely to your feedback about the Concorde Battery STC*. And although Embraer does not cover STCs within Embraer Executive Care, we created a solution for this specific case.

    Embraer Executive Care and Prime Parts customers who have already installed the Concorde Battery STC or are interested to install this STC, will now be eligible to receive a credit when the current batteries have failed.

    * STC numbers: SA01703WI / SA00959DE (Embraer EMB 505) and SA01633WI (Embraer EMB-500)
    I emailed Paul for a clarification on "when the current batteries have failed". Maybe they meant "when the Concorde batteries have failed"?
  2. Username Protected

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    Quote Originally Posted by (Username Protected) View Post
    I emailed Paul for a clarification on "when the current batteries have failed". Maybe they meant "when the Concorde batteries have failed"?
    Well, that makes two of us.....I emailed him as well to find out exactly what this means. The communication was clear as mud!
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    LOL...I emailed him too. My batteries have an upcoming check, and if they fail I'd like to replace them with Concorde's. So I asked him if EEC will replace my batteries with Concorde's IF I pay for the STC.
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    My response received today:

    Hello (Username Protected),

    Thanx for reaching out!

    The financial transaction we will be able to cover through claims inside EEC will allow you to choose if you would like to apply the Concorde STC and be able to use the Program for R&R of the Concorde battery – but only after you have opted to apply it.

    In other words – once you install the STC and the battery is out of warranty, we will be able to cover any failures through a financial transaction. Embraer is in no way endorsing or sponsoring STCs.

    Hope this helps – feel free to reach out. Thanx

    Paulo McCluskey
    Embraer Executive Care
    Embraer / Services & Support
    P:954 359 3860
    M:407 408 4799

    [email protected]
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    Can someone explain why Concorde would even charge for an STC so that customers would have the right to buy and use Concorde products? It would seem to me that the prudent thing for them to do would be to offer the STC to all Phenom 100 owners at no charge, and by doing so gain millions of dollars of repeat business for themselves.

    I guess I'm too simple of a guy - I would never tell my customers that they have to pay me for the right to buy my products.
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    I considered Concorde batteries when I needed to replace the batteries in my Phenom 300 last summer, and at least at that time Concorde offered the STC to me at no charge.
  7. Username Protected
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    I think they need to provide more clarity (and I have asked). For now, it sounds like they are not going to cover the INITIAL replacement of Gill batteries by Concorde (even if the Gills are failed) ... "you install the STC" ... but they will cover replacement of the Concordes once the Concordes fail out of warranty.
    IF that is the case, you basically are out of pocket one replacement cycle to get switched over.
  8. Username Protected

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    Received this notification this morning regarding clarification on the switch to Concorde batteries.

    EEC_P100_P300 Batteries Coverage Support[5].pdf
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    Here is the Concorde battery for the Phenom 100. I haven't spoken to Concorde yet, but I'm hoping they'll thrown in the STC at N/C for members who want to make the switch. Name:  Screenshot 2021-06-02 084818.jpg
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  10. Username Protected

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    Then again, you could just go with the Gill batteries and put the dollars you'd spend on the Concorde battery towards a Startpac like this one. I bought one with a cart, and it is a LOT cheaper than 2 new batteries. Just an idea. Name:  Startpac.jpg
Views: 13886
Size:  40.3 KBName:  Cost.jpg
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    For those who didn't want to read the PDF that (Username Protected) posted, it says that they will cover both switching to Concorde from a failed Gill battery or replacing a failed Concorde battery, at a fixed dollar amount per battery, to be paid as a credit against your EEC account.
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    Concorde sent me an email, with no offer to cover the STC cost to anyone wanting to replace their Gill batteries, i.e. "Currently Concorde is selling the STC and the replacement batteries through its distribution network. There is a distributor list on the website.
  13. Username Protected
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    Quote Originally Posted by (Username Protected) View Post
    For those who didn't want to read the PDF that (Username Protected) posted, it says that they will cover both switching to Concorde from a failed Gill battery or replacing a failed Concorde battery, at a fixed dollar amount per battery, to be paid as a credit against your EEC account.
    After reading this again, I am back to not being clear. I certainly think that they will cover replacement Concordes. What isn't clear is whether they'll cover the first Concorde to replace a failed GIll.
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    Last I talked to my FSR he mentioned uncertainty around initial replacement, but said once you are on them, they will be giving you credit towards Gill's and you pay the difference for Concorde's.
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    Off topic, but does anyone know if ELT battery replacement is covered by EEC Standard? My main ship batteries are covered, but I am being told ELT batteries are not, which doesn't make sense to me.
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    Quote Originally Posted by (Username Protected) View Post
    Off topic, but does anyone know if ELT battery replacement is covered by EEC Standard? My main ship batteries are covered, but I am being told ELT batteries are not, which doesn't make sense to me.
    (Username Protected),

    On my contract "Emergency Equipment" is listed an Excluded Material, I assume that is what they base the denial on.
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    Thanks (Username Protected), although I did get some good information from Tom Schuh at Embraer, which is:

    "When the service center looks up this expendable battery, it will show at cost. This battery is indeed covered by EEC as an expendable. Expendables, ordered by the service center, need to have the cost claimed under warranty by the service center.

    Please call me if you have further questions.
    Best regards,
    Tom Schuh"
  18. Username Protected
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    Quote Originally Posted by (Username Protected) View Post
    Thanks (Username Protected), although I did get some good information from Tom Schuh at Embraer, which is:

    "When the service center looks up this expendable battery, it will show at cost. This battery is indeed covered by EEC as an expendable. Expendables, ordered by the service center, need to have the cost claimed under warranty by the service center.

    Please call me if you have further questions.
    Best regards,
    Tom Schuh"
    (Username Protected) good of you to push back at the SC, I have had to do that too for odd items. Recently they wanted to bill me $1200 for a seat back gas strut, because their SC warranty team said it wasn't covered. I just happened to have EEC pay for a strut earlier in the year, so I knew well it was covered. Some emails with EEC and it was sorted.

    My plane is in for the 120 mo inspection now, can't wait to start auditing the bill. In my mind everything is covered unless it is specifically excluded in the contract.
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    Does anyone have a price for the STC for the 100? Do we need 2 of them, one for each battery? Where do you order them from? Thanks!

    (Username Protected)
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    Just ordered one, 600 bucks. Done.
  21. Username Protected

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    Did you get the STC for the batteries for $600?
  22. Username Protected

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    Yes. It was well worth it.
  23. Username Protected
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    Has anyone done the STC on the 300 recently and have what it costs for the STC plus your share of the battery cost? I’ve had surprisingly good luck with the Gills over the past 6 years until this set which failed cap check at 12 months. Battery #1 which is a PN# 7639-34 on our jet is in exceedingly short supply and is making me re-evaluate what direction we’ll go if/when the next set fails. Last time we inquired about the Concorde STC, reimbursement was roughly 1/3 of the battery cost for initial purchase and that much as well if it needs replacement. Getting reimbursed for anything through EEC is a whole other headache in itself. A battery hasn’t caused a missed flight which makes it difficult to justify paying $5-7K out of pocket while EEC covers the Gills completely.
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    Does anyone have a scan of their STC that they can share so I can try to understand it? My email (Username Protected) . I'm looking at doing this now, for the Phenom 100 (RG 390E/30) batteries are $3795 ea and the STC appears to be $707 all from Aircraft Spruce
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    Quote Originally Posted by (Username Protected) View Post
    Does anyone have a scan of their STC that they can share so I can try to understand it? My email (Username Protected) . I'm looking at doing this now, for the Phenom 100 (RG 390E/30) batteries are $3795 ea and the STC appears to be $707 all from Aircraft Spruce
    (Username Protected)
    where do you get Concorde batteries for $3795? Could you please send the quote from whatever shop you got it from? And the labor quote also, please?
    I am being asked to pay $$9158 for both batteries plus $1242 for labor. With tax and consumables etc, it’s $11,400 for two batteries.
    Standard EEC offers $1872 in reimbursement for each battery per their SB.
    I will try to email the SB to you
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    (Username Protected) I think our prices are about the same, that was $3795 per battery, so plus sales tax and shipping (they weigh 62lbs each) it was over $9k total for the batteries too, plus a labor bill I haven't seen yet.
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    it worth every penny
  28. Username Protected
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    Quote Originally Posted by (Username Protected) View Post
    it worth every penny
    can you please elaborate the benefits? Specifically with regard to operation temperatures? Both high and low temps? Anything else? Need for GPU, etc? Whatever details you can
    share would be apppreciated
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    Quote Originally Posted by (Username Protected) (Username Protected) View Post
    can you please elaborate the benefits? Specifically with regard to operation temperatures? Both high and low temps? Anything else? Need for GPU, etc? Whatever details you can
    share would be apppreciated
    They don't need to be replaced every year for starters! But they also seem to do much better holding charge when parked, I've gone 4 weeks and done a battery start no problem. Really just comes down to knowing your batteries will be there when you need them. I pretty much never request a GPU for start any more (unless needed for ground AC)
  30. Username Protected
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    Previously, the batteries had to be replaced every two years. Now, it's on condition. If they pass the cap check, you're good. If they fail, they can try to recondition them per the manufacturer's instructions and if they pass, you're good. Recently, for our plane, one was good, one failed and wasn't able to pass after reconditioning. Agree with those that said Concords are excellent. Current price from Aerospace Turbine Rotables in Dallas for the battery is $4122.00. If you're plane is in that region, they will deliver it to the shop.
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